Mums the word!

Chrysanthemums, also known as mums for short, are usually considered herbaceous perennials. However, if you wish to plant Chrysanthemum plants in your area as perennials, select a “hardy mum” not a “florist mum”!

Chrysanthemums come in a wide variety of colors, including white, off-white, yellow, gold, bronze, red, burgundy, pink, lavender and purple. Mum plants can grow to be 2-3 feet high, depending on the variety and growing conditions.
Plant chrysanthemum flowers in full sun and well-drained soil, enriched by compost and fertilizer. Don’t overcrowd chrysanthemums: good air circulation reduces the chance of disease.

As mentioned earlier, there are “hardy mums” and “florist mums.” Hardy mums put out stolons. Florist mums put out few or no stolons and are less likely to over-winter in cold regions, especially in the northern U.S.
Pinching chrysanthemums yields compact, bushy plants with more blooms. “Pinching” simply means removing the tips of new growth, thereby stimulating the chrysanthemums to send out side-shoots. Begin in the spring when the new growth has reached 4-6″ in length. Thereafter, every 2-4 weeks, pinch the center out of any more growth when it reaches 6″. Stop pinching chrysanthemums around the beginning of summer, or else bud formation will not occur soon enough to ensure flowering for your vibrant Fall display.

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